Representing Condo Owners And Associations In Somerville And Cambridge

Condominium owners and boards of trustees and developers of condo complexes turn to Adam Dash & Associates for experienced legal guidance.
Our Somerville condominium law attorneys have substantial knowledge of Massachusetts condominium law, and we use our knowledge to effectively answer legal questions, handle transactions and disputes, and assist with condo conversion applications and zoning issues.
Are you a condominium board member or unit owner with questions about condominium law? Are you interested in a possible condo conversion project? Call us toll free at 866-662-1899 to schedule your consultation.
Massachusetts Attorneys Offering A Broad Range Of Condominium Law Services
In partnership with our commercial real estate law practice, we handle a full range of condo law matters. Our clients include condo trust associations, developers, unit owners, lenders and more. Our attorneys regularly assist clients with issues such as:
- Development and revision of master deeds, declarations of trust and bylaws
- Interpretation of governing documents
- Construction matters
- Contract negotiation, drafting and review, including with contractors and suppliers
- Covenant and restriction enforcement
- Collection of unpaid fees and assessments
- Dispute resolution
- Ongoing legal guidance
Condo Conversion Project Lawyer
Adam Dash & Associates helps property owners, developers and others who are interested in converting residential or commercial property into condominiums in Boston, Somerville and Cambridge. Whether you are interested in converting a large residence, a multifamily or apartment building or a loft/warehouse into a condo association, we can help with:
- Initial property acquisition
- Required conversion permits and notices
- Permits and zoning issues
- Disputes that may arise
- Document drafting
For clients interested in condominium conversions in Somerville in particular, the firm can assist with getting removal permits from the Somerville Condominium Review Board, which approves condominium conversions in the city. We have a lot of experience with this Somerville-only process.
Contact Us Today
To arrange a free initial consultation to discuss your condo law needs, call 617-440-7731, toll free 866-662-1899 or contact our Somerville office online. We are available for evening appointments and are conveniently located in Davis Square.